Institute of Technology and Renewable Energy

ITER (Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables) promotes applied research in the field of renewable energies. Founded by the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife as a Research Centre in 1990, it offers the public tours of its facilities, located in a privileged location near the Montaña Pelada Natural Park in the municipality of Granadilla de Abona. The Institute, in both guided and free modes, allows visitors to learn first-hand about Renewable Energy, the Environment and Bioclimatics. With three wind farms, a wind tunnel, numerous photovoltaic plants with more than 24 MW installed, an open-air technology walk and a visitors' centre, Iter offers the perfect setting to learn about renewable energies, disseminating both its activities and the different fields in which research is carried out. Structured in three main areas, the Iter aims to make use of the environmental, strategic and socio-economic advantages of renewable energy sources for energy production

Institute of Technology and Renewable Energy